Pacasmayo - Escolares Brillantes
In this small town, located on the coast of Peru, iProjects runs a centre called Escolares Brillantes (Brilliant Students) which feeds and supports the learning of many local children and their families who are struggling emotionally and financially. Each school day students go to the centre after school at 1:30 to eat lunch, do their homework, go to workshops, have a devotional and eat dinner. The local church also connects with the families of the children to provide parental training and spiritual support. There is a focus on providing medical, psychological and nutritional help. Currently 18 children and their families are being supported. The program is overseen by our missionaries Auden and Wendy Lujan, with the assistance of our program director, a cook, an activities director an many volunteers from the community. It costs approximately $50 a month for a child to be a part of the program. As additional funding becomes available we will expand the program to impact more children.

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