Chiropractors for iProjects
Feeding Children, Touching Lives
Chiropractors for iProjects (Isaiah Projects) is a grassroots movement of caring Chiropractors who have decided to make a difference in the lives of children in Cuba , Mexico and Peru through the sponsorship of our feeding programs. Chiropractors for iProjects was formally launched in March 2022 with the support of our two founding Chiropractors, Dr. Jim Kaminski of Fergus and Dr. Terry Zavitz of Guelph. Dr. Jim's practice supports our feeding program in Yurimaguas, Peru and Dr. Terry's practice supports our feeding program in Satipo, Peru.
So how does it work?
For the Chiropractor...
When a Chiropractor joins the vision of Chiropractors for iProjects they commit to donate $20 for each new patient examination in their office. The money donated is then used by Isaiah Projects to help purchase food necessary to run a feeding program in an underprivileged community. 100% of the money donated is used to help feed the local children. Isaiah projects does not maintain an office in Canada, and is 100% volunteer driven both in Canada and in the countries in which we have missionaries and programs.
Referral cards are made available to help promote the partnership with your office and Chiropractors for iProjects. Specialized cards are also available at Christmas.
For the patient...
Patients are encouraged to refer their friends and family to their chiropractor. Through their referrals, patients are not only offering the gift of improved health through great chiropractic care, but also impact the lives of children through the support of the feeding program. It is truly a process in which everybody wins.
For the reader...
If you already have a chiropractor, can we encourage you to share this program with them. Who knows, you could be the catalyst that impacts the lives of hundreds of children in the future.
If you are looking for a chiropractor, we would strongly encourage you make an appointment with one of the caring doctors who support our program. For your convenience we have provided a link to each of their websites below:
Dr. Jim Kaminski Fergus Family Chiropractic Wellness Centre
Dr. Terry Zavitz Zavitz Family Chiropractic